Rikardo Druskic Artist

My art is my guide in my search for the meaning of life and the truth that drives me along this path.
I await at life through fine art, and art through life. My creative procedure is intuitive, ofttimes without any preconceived plan. Dear, fear, spirituality, empathy are the bones drivers of my creative process. I express myself daily, and my work is always the consequence of my introspection, which takes identify on both conscious and hidden levels. Wassily Kandinsky, in his volume On the Spiritual in Art, says, "Every artist is a child of his time, and his art is the mother of his feelings." In my case, only this 2nd office is truthful, while the first could be debated. When someone transmits information and connects it into logical structures, he does and then within the limits of the emotional-spiritual layer, or, to put it more merely – nosotros recognize the world first with feelings, and only then with thoughts. Such is my art. It speaks to the observer through emotions and energy primarily/ My artistic influences go from Bosch to Piccaso, From to Kandinsky to IvanGeneralic. I let myself explore the world Of the unknown in my quest for the answers. Those answers are later conveyed Into shapes and colors on my canvas, giving them materialization and meaning. Intellectually, my thoughts and my artistic process are influenced by Friedrich Nietche and Carl Gistav Jing. ~ @rikardodruskic_art

Amazing Street Art by Rikardo Druskic Street Art Festival 'Fasade' – Sarajevo, Rikardo Druskic & Sasa Pesevski

Street Art Artist Rikardo Druskic Exhibited at History Museum of Bosnia&Herzegovina

Paris Art Artist Rikardo Druskic Psychedelic Dream – Hommage to Piccaso

Once upon a time Artist Rikardo Druskic

Once upon a time – 2021

Mundus Novus New World Artist Rikardo Druskic Mundus Novus 1.01 : On the upper central part is the primary idea from which I started my work. It is a homage to Michelangelo's piece of work "The Creation of Adam". This work is a fresco that forms part of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, painted c. 1508–1512. It illustrates the biblical story of creation from the Book of Genesis in which God gives life to Adam, the first human being. I replaced Adam with a robot, thus setting a fundamental theme: "The Coming of Artificial Intelligence," and and so asking a question; What is its office and what are the potential outcomes of the automation process? In the newspaper itself, the answers are illustrated through various character interactions; robots and humans. The title of the paper says that the world as we know information technology will soon exist gone. I of its main letters is the necessity of preparing humanity for the technological revolution!

Folie A Deux acryic painting Artist Rikardo Druskic Folie a Deux – 2020

Dos Cabezas Mixed Media Painting Artist Rikardo Druskic Dos Cabezas : Two Spirits In The garden of Eden: Rikardo Druskic& Sasa Pesevski

As He Meditated Buddha traveled the Cosmos Artist Rikardo Druskic While meditating, the Buddha sailed the cosmos and imagined a world where people love each other 2021

Art Painting Artist Rikardo Druskic Grand and 1 Nights and One Cute Morning – Rikardo Druškić 2020


Source: https://trendyartideas.com/artist-rikardo-druskic/

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